Geeta Puri graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree and with a Master’s in Business Administration in the Finance. She earned the designation of Certified General Accountant in 2013. She has been working in the Accounting field since 2002. She has held several positions in finance field at large banks. She held the position of cash management officer before deciding to switch to instructing statistics, economics and finance. Geeta offers experience and expertise in personal and corporate tax, small and medium size company year ends.
Personality wise Geeta has often been described as a very honest, to the point and a caring person who holds the financial interest of her clients above her own. For pleasure, Geeta loves to spend time with her family. She also likes reading books, travelling and listening to music. She believes that business isn’t just about “what you earn, it’s about what you keep.” Her company believes in building a strong business relationship with all clients so that each client receives services as per their needs.